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LaTeXing with TextMate

Charilaos Skiadas and Thomas Kjosmoen


This article discusses the TextMate text editor and its many capabilities that make working with LaTeX documents a lot easier. Some of its features include syntax highlighting, various methods for automatic insertion of text (such as the begin-end blocks in environments and automatic labels for section commands), lookup of labels and cite keys based on partial matches, as well as tools for dealing with large projects.

TextMate is designed with the user in mind, so it is easy to customize it to your needs. During its short lifetime (about two and a half years) it has gained many supporters and has become a very popular text editor for the Mac OS X platform, and especially among LaTeX users, as can be seen from the exponential growth in the number of users, and the large number of LaTeX related questions on the TextMate mailing list.

In addition to this article, the first author's weblog can be used as a starting point for learning more about using TextMate for LaTeX:

Charilaos (Haris) Skiadas is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Hanover College, and has been using LaTeX for all his writing ever since he found out about it ten years ago. For the last two years he has been very actively involved in the development of the LaTeX support for the TextMate text editor, one of the popular text editors for the Mac OS X operating system. His blog ( ) contains a lot of information and screencasts related to LaTeX in TextMate.

Thomas Kjosmoen is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Stavanger, Norway, where he works on bioinformatics and genomic signal processing. Ever since he discovered LaTeX about four years ago, it has filled most of his document needs. He particularly appreciates the open nature of the LaTeX documents and the fact that it makes them easy to keep under version control." Homepage:

You can reach Haris at and Thomas at

Page generated June 9, 2010 ;

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