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Travels in TeX Land: Using Your Favorite Editor with TeX

David Walden and Yuri Robbers


In this column in each issue Dave Walden muses on his wanderings around the TeX world. In this column he is joined in his meandering by Yuri Robbers. Walden discusses the benefits of the fact that one can use the editor of one's choice with TeX and the various system built on top of TeX, and Robbers lists a number of the editors that are optionally available.

Yuri Robbers holds a degree in Animal Behaviour and is a teacher, a researcher and a published author. He's always had a keen interest in typography, possibly because his father is a professional typographer. Ever since he discovered LaTeX in 1995, he's always done his best to avoid using word processors, and he has embarked on a quest to learn as much as possible about TeX and its derivatives and to apply this knowledge whenever possible. Contact him at

David Walden is retired after a career as an engineer, engineering manager, and general manager involved with research and development of computer and other high tech systems. He holds an undergraduate math degree and completed a graduate school sequence of courses in computer science. He may be contacted at

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