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News from Around

Christina Thiele


This new section is about news from other user groups, news about TeX, and anything else that seems `new'.

This first column is modelled on the old "News from Around", which appeared in TTN (TeX and TUG News), a TUG newsletter (hardcopy) which circulated from 1991 till 1995.

There are two main sections: User Group News and TeX News.

Under User Group News, there is a report on Greek TeX users and on the TUG 2004 conference in Greece; news from the Islandic TeX users, who recently launched their local newsletter; a report from the Polish TeX users on their upcoming annual BachoTeX conference; and an update from the UK TeX users. There is an report from the international TeX Users Group on elections, on the upcoming conferences in North Carolina and China, and on two new projects: the Interview Corner and the TUG Heritage Project.

TeX News includes items on Y&Y Inc., the LaTeX3 project, and accessing CTAN more easily.

Christina Thiele has been a TeX user, mainly focussing on linguistics and the humanities, since 1983, and a TUG member since 1986. Her typesetting company (Carleton Production Centre, in Ottawa, Canada) was begun in 1991. Other TUG activities have included TUG president (1993-95), and editor for the 4-year duration of TTN ("TeX and TUG News"), from 1991 to 1995. She is currently active in the ling-tex and yandytex lists, as well as the TUGboat production team. Send TeX news items and correspondence to mailto

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