[yandytex] DVIwindo font problems

J. R. Setti jrasetti at usp.br
Mon Oct 9 19:50:58 CEST 2006

Dear fellow Y&Yers:

I would appreciate if anyone could help me on this small but annoying
problem. I had to reinstall Y&Y on my XP after a reinstallation of Windows.
I mostly copied the old (customized) files over the new ones.  Now, I am
getting this error message when I open a .dvi file with DVIwindo 2.2.1:

Can't find font: cmr10(6), No Face Name
(Windows offers 'MS Sans Serif') at byte 6281

What is puzzling me is that I don't use Computer Modern fonts, just Times
and Lucida -- never bought CM from Y&Y, in fact. How could this font come
into my dvi file?

The error message, however, does not seem to affect the output of the
document. The page is printed normally, at least at first sight.

Would this be related to some of the packages I am using in the tex file? I
\usepackage[LY1]{fontenc}       % specify text font encoding
\usepackage[LY1]{lucidabr}       % switch text and math fonts
right after \documentclass, but don't

Any suggestions, opinions or hints are appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Dr. José Reynaldo Setti                                jrasetti at usp.br

Universidade de São Paulo                          400 Av. Trabalhador
São Carlos School of Engineering                 São Carlos, SP, Brazil --
Department of Transportation Engineering      (55-16) 3373-9596
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