[yandytex] new Lucida fonts via lucimatx.sty

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon Mar 20 22:19:44 CET 2006

    It is impossible to have two differently named pfb's 
    that have the same INTERNAL font name.

I see.  Then my only idea is to internally edit the FontName's in the
pfb's and the pfm's in the new h*.pf[bm] copies.

Doing this in the pfb's is relatively easy, but I do not know how to do
it with the pfm's.  Just editing the pfm in Emacs did not work, as you
(I think it was you) reported after I tried to go do this for the
LucidaSansTypewriter-BoldOblique craziness.

And whether or not that would work, even with the /FontName change,
there's no telling.
    So I think part of the problem may be that the Lucida fonts themselves 
    are using old internal names
Not "old".  Both the /FontName's in the pfb's and the l* filenames are
the same as they ever were.  No changes.

    while the tfm's and/or lucimatx package are 
    establishing different names.

lucimatx uses the new h* tfm's, nothing else, as I understand it.  In
TeX, the names used for the tfm's and pfb's and /FontName's are all
completely independent, and always have been.  Those h* names have also
existed for many years (as the psnfss support).  


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