[yandytex] "overcite" package and punctuation

Jochen Autschbach jautschbach at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 23 21:18:35 CEST 2006


I noticed a strange inconsistency between Y&Y and other latex
implementations (MiKTeX, teTeX) when using the "overcite" package.

Suppose I cite something at the end of a 
sentence like this \cite{Smith:1990a}.

The default behavior for overcite is that the superscript citation is
moved after the "." and any spaces between the last word and "." are
removed. However, with Y&Y text this doesn't work. I end up with a
space between the last word and the ".". Did anyone else notice this,
too? Is there a way to fix this? 

I used the same versions of "cite" and "overcite" which, to my
knowledge, are the latest versions available at CTAN. 


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