Price of new Lucida Bright

Karl Berry karl at FREEFRIENDS.ORG
Wed Sep 21 16:15:42 CEST 2005

    I was wondering if you would be able give an estimated price of the "new"
    Lucida Bright?

Don't mean to be coy, but I'm a bit reluctant to publicize any numbers
before final approval by the TUG board.  If you'd like to mail me your
budget privately I can probably give you thumbs-up or -down ...

    I don't need a whole TeX-system

Good, 'cause we won't be offering that :).  Just Lucida font package(s),
based on the existing lucidabr.sty (by David Carlisle and Sebastian
Rahtz), with relatively minor updates to the virtual fonts etc. as they
exist on CTAN now (thanks to Walter Schmidt).  The fonts (pfb's)
themselves will be exactly the same as what Y&Y sold.

    re-released before Christmas Is that correct?

Yes.  I sincerely hope within the next 2-3 weeks.  No doubt some
problems will remain, especially in the macro support, but I want to
make it available asap ...


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