Y&Y MathTime fonts

Walter Schmidt w.a.schmidt at GMX.NET
Thu Feb 10 20:28:10 CET 2005

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 12:55:20 -0500, Karl Berry wrote:

>[re. MathTime Pro]
>I have heard that there have been problems integrating the PCTeX fonts
>into other TeX installations in the past.

Being the developer of the related macro packages, I take the
freedom to clarify this a little bit:

Indeed, a former version of the Type1 fonts would cause problems
with certain PostScript interpreters.  This has been fixed in the
meantime.  The MT-Pro current distribution can be "plugged into" any
TDS-compliant TeX system.

>Also, apparently they require
>virtual fonts, so they can't be used with Y&Y as it stands now.

This is correct.

>In this regard, I should also mention the mathptm fonts and LaTeX
>package, which are freely available and included in all the major free
>TeX distributions.

mathptm, as well as its improved succesor mathptmx, need virtual

On Y&Y-TeX you may consider to use the Belleek fonts, which are
free, low-quality substitutes for the three basic MathTime fonts
(not MathTime Plus, though).  In fact, one can use the macro
package mathtime.sty, as long as the dvi driver is configured so
as to substitute Belleek for the original MathTime fonts.

>There's also new and extended free versions of Palatino, among others.

Indeed, this might be relevant for users of Y&Y-TeX, since these
"FPL Neu" fonts don't need virtual font support.  However,  there
are no matching math fonts yet, and the planned math fonts will
definitely be based upon VFs (unless I find an artist to create a
set of _real_ Palatino math fonts from the scratch ;-)


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