Tex and Lucida fonts

Michel Kerszberg mkersz at CCR.JUSSIEU.FR
Tue Feb 8 08:49:28 CET 2005

--On Monday, February 07, 2005 22:17:19 +0100 Walter Schmidt
<w.a.schmidt at GMX.NET> wrote:

> On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:46:50 -0600, Colin M. Ramsay wrote:
>> Are there any other Tex Windows systems
>> out there that can use Lucida fonts?
> _Every_ TeX system on the PC or Unix platform could use
> Y&Y's Lucida fonts.  Font metrics, macro packages etc.
> are available from CTAN; one had to purchase only the
> Type1 font files...
> The fact that the fonts have vanished does _not_ affect
> users of Y&Y TeX only!
> Walter


Regarding TeX, YandY fonts and Linux: I just bought a new machine that I
use with Windows XP and Linux (SuSE 9.2). My experiences might interest
people in this list:

- at least *one* YandY font cannot be installed under Windows XP;

- Installation of the fonts under Linux is somewhat painful, mostly for
lack of a place where it would be explained step by step. However, it
ultimately works for all the fonts; and in addition, since SuSE 8.1 ( my
previous Linux distribution) the teTeX (i.e. Unix TeX) system has made
absolutely ENORMOUS progress in usability. Thus, the "kile" program is an
editor from which you can basically do everything from editing the TeX,
process it and then open the DVI right at the point where you are working,
and then, by clicking into the DVI visualization, go back to the TeX file
right where you clicked.

So TeX + YandY fonts under Linux is by now, I think, simply better than
WinEdt plus YandY -- which I thought unbeatable for many years.

I hope this helps some of you,


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