Problem getting different-sized fences in Y&Y TeX

James R. Wilson jwilson at EOS.NCSU.EDU
Mon May 3 11:11:05 CEST 2004

> You have to type the following:
>   \left (  ... \left \{ ... [ ... ] \right \} ... \right )
> Thanks,
> Frank


I want to be able to control the size myself.  If I do what you suggest,
in general I get fences that are much too big, and they are all the same

Let me put the question another way: in 12-point type, I want to get

  \big \{


   \big |

that are VISUALLY distinguishable from their normalsize counterparts.
I can achieve this effect in 11-point type, and I should be able to do
the same thing is 12-point type.

Jim Wilson


% James R. Wilson, Professor & Head
% Dept. of Industrial Engineering
% North Carolina State University
% Campus Box 7906
% 2401 Stinson Dr., Riddick Labs 328
% Raleigh, NC  27695-7906, U.S.A.
% E-mail:      jwilson at
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