Producing PDFs to non-standard page sizes (fwd)

Christina Thiele cthiele at CCS.CARLETON.CA
Thu Jun 10 13:18:20 CEST 2004

John Hodgson writes:
> Christina
> Yes, we've had authors who've been caught by this before, but its not the
> problem I'm trying to solve. Using conventional DTP packages like Pagemaker
> the page size in the PDF (the one that Acrobat reports at the bottom of the
> screen) can be set to the finished size of the book,  in this case I need
> 216x138mm. The problem is when the file is processed ready to go onto the
> printing presses.
> John
> ...

OK. Well, at least it's not that end of the process ;-)

So, do you think it's possibly while the .dvi file's being prepared,
that perhaps sizes are defaulting to some value(s) other than the ones
you want?

If you'd like, send me (directly) a sample .tex file, and all the
packages/style files you're loading. If I can at least reproduce the
problem ...


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