mathtime(plus) install isn't working with teTeX

MImi Burbank mimi at CSIT.FSU.EDU
Wed Apr 21 18:25:32 CEST 2004

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 20:14:02 +0100, Tim Havel <tfhavel at MIT.EDU> wrote:

>Just (tried to) install mathtimeplus from the windows archive for teTeX
(less than 1 year old
>version e-TeX (Web2C 7.4.5) 3.14159-2.1) on Darwin (well, MacOSX 10.2.8 at
some higher
>level), by putting (links to) all the PFB and TFM files in the tetex.local
subtree and running
>"texhash" in the usual way. Unfortunately, with most of the symbols are
coming out blank or
>replaced by gibberish, and there are no error messages that give me any
hint of why. Here is
>a small example, which I hope will be enough for someone to figure this out
for me:
>> \documentclass{article}
>> \usepackage{mathtime}
>> \begin{document}
>> This is only a test:
>> \begin{equation}
>> \sum_{k=1}^10 \psi_k^2 ~=~ 1

if you want to supersript the numer 10, you need to enclose
it in braces.. as only the first character after the ^ is actually

>> \end{equation}
>> \end{document}
>gives the following LOG file:
>> This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5) (format=latex 2003.5.22)
 18 APR 2004
>> 15:06

the log file is completely normal...   it is "verbose* which you
can cut off by changing the parameters...

the PostScript file is evidently just fine, because it distilled to
a completely normal PDF file....  (which I cannot include) but which
I can send you separately....

he PS file does contain
 %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: MTSYN 1.000
 but seems to only contain comments for the RMTMI and MTEX fonts
 This is probably an error in your setup for DVIPS,
 or that these font files are not found in the right place, or an issue of
 upper case versus lower case spelling of font names since Unix is
 sensitive to these, and since some style files have the wrong case.

  The following is a section of for MathTime 1.1 for example:



   mtex    MTEX            <mtex.pfb
   MTEX    MTEX            <MTEX.pfb
   mtsy    MTSY            <mtsy.pfb
   MTSY    MTSY            <MTSY.pfb
   rmtmi   RMTMI           <rmtmi.pfb
   RMTMI   RMTMI           <RMTMI.pfb
   tii     Times-Italic  "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc


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