Mathtime and prosper

Mimi Burbank mimi at CSIT.FSU.EDU
Thu Apr 1 11:47:08 CEST 2004

On Apr01 04:36PM, Jeremy Avigad wrote:
> I am trying to use the mathtime fonts with the prosper slide package under
> Miktex. The following trivial tex file
>   \documentclass{prosper}
>   \usepackage{mathtime}
>   \begin{document}
>   \end{document}

you need to check out the options for the mathtime.sty file
and declare one or more  ;-)    and you may even need to
create a couple of files...    read on:


if you look at the top of mathtime.sty, you'll see the following:

-----------------------these are all the options you *can* decalre
\newcommand\enablesubscriptcorrection {\catcode`\_=12\relax}
\DeclareOption{subscriptcorrection}  {\enablesubscriptcorrection}
\DeclareOption{cmcal}    {\let\mathcal=c}
\DeclareOption{noTS1}    {\let\symtextcomp\relax}
\let\operator at encoding\encodingdefault
\DeclareOption{OT1}{\def\operator at encoding{OT1}}
\DeclareOption{T1}{\def\operator at encoding{T1}}
\DeclareOption{LY1}{\def\operator at encoding{LY1}\ExecuteOptions{noTS1}}
   \def\@font at info#1{%
                     {LaTeX Font Info: \space\space\space#1}}%
    \def\@font at warning#1{%
                        {LaTeX Font Warning: #1}}}
   \def\@font at info#1{%
                     {LaTeX Font Info: \space\space\space#1}}%
    \def\@font at warning#1{%
                        {LaTeX Font Warning: #1}}}
   \let\@font at info\@gobble
   \let\@font at warning\@gobble}

-----------------these are the ones decclared by default

i'm going to cut and paste from a previous message by Robin F.

1. i created a see

   (someone told me there was an "official" one on ctan somewhere, but
   in my usual chaotic way i've lost the reference.)

2. install that in \texmf-local\dvips\yandy (create the directory if

3. the distribution includes .pfb, .tfm and .vf file(s) (actually only
   one current .vf) [or should include: they were on my cd, the .vf
   confusingly in a tfm directory]

   install these in


   creating the required directories as necessary

4. it says here:

   On a Mik\TeX{} system earlier than version~2.2, the ``Refresh
   filename database'' operation, which you performed after installing
   the map file, also updates the system's ``postscript resources

   On a Mik\TeX{} system, version~2.2 or later, update
   \File|updmap.cfg| which is described in Mik\TeX{} online
   Then execute the MkFntMap utility, and the job is done.

there is an additional note that miktex changes its installation
procedures (slightly) every release - so you probably should
also look at the documentation for your setup.


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