mathtime in MikTeX

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Thu Sep 11 14:16:52 CEST 2003

Geoffrey Nunes writes:
> Ok, so this is probably a forbidden subject, but I've bought and paid for
> the Mathtime 1.1 fonts, and would like to be able to use them in my
> favorite TeX platform.  If anyone has gotten these to work properly under
> MikTeX (in either TeX or LaTeX or both) I would love to know how.
> Thanks in advance,
> -Geoff Nunes
> ...

Previous references to MikTeX were in conjunction with some Lucida
fonts which didn't have all the necessary font files in place. So not
pertinent. Sorry for getting your hopes up ...

On the other hand, I've just gone to the UK TeX FAQ, which has a
fabulous search capability now, and searched on both `mathtime' and
`miktex'; the latter is probably going to yield you more useful

So here's the URL (everyone should bookmark this one!):


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