BibTeX question

David Ireland david at
Wed Nov 26 22:08:15 CET 2003

Firstly, a big thanks to all who offered advice on installing new type 1
fonts in XP.  Problem solved!  I'll post an 'idiot's' guide soon so that
there is a record that might be useful for other non-experts.

Secondly, I have a question about bibtex.  I have a title.bib file with all
the references formatted correctly, but it doesn't seem to work.  For
example, here's one bib entry that is in the correct form:

  author       = {Keynes, John Maynard},
  title        = {General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money},
  year         = 1936,
  publisher    = {Cambridge University Press},
  address      = {Cambridge},

In my document I have:

When John Maynard \citet{Keynes:36} developed...

But when I process this I get "When John Maynard Keynes:36 developed..."
(when I was expecting to get "...Maynard Keynes (1936) developed...").

Have I missed something?  Any pointers gratefully received.



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