Bibtex -- new instructions (draft)

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Mon Mar 24 16:01:02 CET 2003

Below are instructions I'm devising as I'm doing the upgrade on my
machine (as `administrator').

The filenames, sizes, and dates are pulled from the listing I can get
when accessing Mimi's website:

The contents of bibtexdir include (notice the training / ... in all
the .ini file entries, there's a backslash ... is there any
significance to this?):

 Parent Directory        20-Mar-2003 13:11      -
    BIB/                    20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
    BIBTEX.EXE              20-Nov-2000 17:03   164k
    BST/                    20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
    CONTRIB/                20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
    CSF/                    20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
    DOC/                    20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
    yandy/                  20-Mar-2003 09:10      -

Now, I'm wondering if the list of directories in ALLCAPS are the
directories in yyinstall, which _seems_ to the the name on the
development machine. The reason I say that is the last folder, a
lowercase `yandy' ...

I'm wondering if this isn't the structure for how the users' c:\yandy
tree is supposed to be set up, because this is how it proceeds:

   yandy\BIBTEX\BIB\<no contents listed>
               \BST\<no contents listed>
               \CONTRIB\ABSTYLES/          20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \APACITE/           20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \ASTRON/            20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \BIBHTML/           20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \BIDS/              20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \ECONOMIC/          20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \GERALPHA/          20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \GERMAN/            20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \GERMBIB/           20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \abstyles-babel/    20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
                       \directory/         20-Mar-2003 09:10      -
               \CSF\<no contents listed>
               \DOC\BIBTEX\BASE\<no contents listed>
                          \MISC\<no contents listed>

     Note: none of the folders under CONTRIB actually have any
           contents. So perhaps it just serves as an example
           of the additional entries (each in its own folder)
           that a user may wish to add to the basic bibtex

OK ... So, if I take the above into account, here are some draft
instructions -- as much to me as to other users ...

However, note that there are several queries and comments along the
way, so I'm also looking for advice and input on how to finalise these



           Proposed doc. for BibTeX upgrade/fix

There are two main stages to the upgrade:

   I. adding/updating bibtex-specific folders, and then
        updating/adding files for each folder

  II. updating the dviwindo.ini file (usually in c:winnt)

= = = = = = = =

1. Create new folder under c:\yandy

      NEW FOLDER  = bibtex

2. Create new folders under c:\yandy\bibtex

      NEW FOLDERS = bib

3. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex directory, add new version:
      bibtex.exe     (file should be ca 164KB in size)

   If old versions of bibtex.exe remain elsewhere, remove or rename;
   for housekeeping purposes, you may want to move them all into this
   directory, ensuring that only the newest one is called bibtex.exe.

4. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex\bib, add all .bib files. Any .bib files
   formerly found in c:\yandy\texinput\bibinput should be added here.
   The current contents include:

    AGUSAMP.BIB             14-Aug-1997 16:50     1k
    BTXDOC.BIB              24-Nov-1993 23:00     2k
    Incollec.bib            07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    MRABBREV.BIB            02-Dec-1999 07:55   221k
    SEGMASTE.BIB            14-Aug-1997 16:50     4k
    XAMPL.BIB               14-Aug-1997 16:50    10k
    article.bib             07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    book.bib                07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    booklet.bib             07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    collect.bib             07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    inbook.bib              07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    inproc.bib              07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    manual.bib              07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    master.bib              07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    misc.bib                07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    phd.bib                 07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    proc.bib                07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    report.bib              07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k
    unpub.bib               07-Feb-1998 23:00     1k

      [Query: does the upper/lowercase jitter bother anyone
              else? ;-) ]

5. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex\bst, add all .bst files. Any .bst files
   formerly found in c:\yandy\texinput\bstinput should be added here.
   The current contents include:

    ABBRV.BST               03-Jan-2000 12:44    21k
    ACM.BST                 15-Nov-1993 20:53    19k
    AGU.BST                 14-Aug-1997 16:50    35k
    AGUKEY.BST              14-Aug-1997 16:50    19k
    ALPHA.BST               03-Jan-2000 12:43    23k
    AMSALPHA.BST            14-Aug-1997 16:50    30k
    AMSPLAIN.BST            14-Aug-1997 16:50    27k
    APALIKE.BST             03-Jan-2000 12:43    22k
    IEEETR.BST              03-Jan-2000 12:43    17k
    OSA.BST                 14-Aug-1997 16:50    21k
    PLAIN.BST               03-Jan-2000 12:43    20k
    PRSTY.BST               14-Aug-1997 16:50    20k
    SEG.BST                 14-Aug-1997 16:50    29k
    SIAM.BST                03-Jan-2000 12:43    19k
    SPIEBIB.BST             15-Jan-2000 07:28    19k
    UNSRT.BST               03-Jan-2000 12:43    17k
    agsm.bst                31-May-1999 16:11    23k

      [same query]

6. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex\contrib, move all additional .bib and .bst
   files you've added or created.

7. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex\csf, add the following files:

    00README.TXT            18-Aug-1996 20:47    35k
    88591LAT.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47    11k
    88591SCA.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47    10k
    ASCII.CSF               18-Aug-1996 20:47     9k
    COPYING                 18-Aug-1996 20:47    18k
    CP437LAT.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47    11k
    CP850LAT.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47    10k
    CP850SCA.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47    10k
    CP866RUS.CSF            18-Aug-1996 20:47     8k
    CSFILE.TXT              18-Aug-1996 20:47    13k
    HISTORY                 18-Aug-1996 20:47     3k

    Note that the file 88591lat.csf will be explicitly named in the
    edits to be done in the dviwindo.ini file.

    Note also that there are two .txt files and a `History' file,
    all of which I'd have thought would go into c:\yandy\bibtex\doc

8. Into new c:\yandy\bibtex\doc, add ... hmmmm ...

   [Well, here's where things go funny. When you go into bibtexdir\DOC
    at Mimi's site, there are a bunch of folders and files at
    different levels and it's not clear how these should be presented
    at the user-level, where the only documentation-type directory is

    Robin, perhaps you have a better sense of this as it's either
    more -- or less -- like the TDS. I'm pretty sure Y&YTeX is not
    TDS-compliant, so I don't know if the hierarchy present at Mimi's
    site is good or bad, better or worse ...

    Here's what bibtexdir\DOC looks like:

       DOC\BIBTEX\BASE\BTXBST.DOC  20-Jul-1992 12:31    66k*
                       BTXDOC.TEX  20-Jul-1992 12:32    42k*
                       BTXDOC.XUA  20-Jul-1992 12:32     1k*
                       BTXHAK.TEX  20-Jul-1992 12:32    26k*
                      \BTXDOC.TEX  06-Nov-1989 09:00    42k
                      \BTXHAK.TEX  06-Nov-1989 09:00    25k
                      \MISC\APALIKE.DOC 27-Oct-1996 23:25 2k*

    Notice the duplication of filenames btxdoc.tex and btxhak.tex,
    one set with 20 JUL 92 dates, the other with 6 NOV 89 dates.

    *I've put an asterisk on what look like actual/semi-current
     files -- so it looks like there are 5 files, although the
     .xua file is certainly not documentation ;-)

     So it is these files that should end up in the user's
     c:\yandy\bibtex\doc directory?



9. In dviwindo.ini (usually in c:\winnt), make the following


   Notice that if all bibtex-related files have been removed from the
   c:\yandy\texinput path, then the above can be shortened:


   For any additional files in the new c:yandy\bibtex\contrib, the
   following modifications should be made to the paths:


10. If you wish to add an entry to the `TeX' menu in DVIWIndo itself,
    follow the instructions found in the file bibtex.txt.

    [QUERY: need to confirm where bibtex.txt should reside!]
            Wherever it currently is, it probably should also
            be in c:\yandy\bibtex\doc]


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