your mail -- the auto-opening of an editor

Christina Thiele cthiele at
Tue Mar 11 09:49:28 CET 2003

Don't know if you want to add this to George ...

Further information on integrating editors into Y&YTeX are found in
the Technical Addendum FAQ, queries 21 and 22. As well, on p.93, the
discussion of the [Applications] section of dviwindo.ini shows how to
set up other editors, all via Function keys. These are also included
in the website FAQ (System Topics), along with one or two others that
are perhaps only tangentially pertinent.


Mimi Burbank writes:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 09:10:27AM -0500, support ? wrote:
> > From: George Kardomateas
> > <george.kardomateas at>  Save Address | Headers
> > To: <support at>
> > CC:
> > Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 03:30:37 -0800
> > Subject: question
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------------
> >
> > Hi, I just bought the Y&Y Tex system, I like it a lot but I have
> > one simple
> > question:
> >
> > How can I get the editor to open automatically by double clicking
> > on a file?
> >
> > I have old .tex files but when I double click the Yand Y tex
> > editor id not
> > invoked. Instead, I have to start the editor and THEN open the
> > file.
> >
> Hello there....
> Your machine is most likely looking for the application you
> used "before" ...   If you right clock on the file, and then
> choose  "Open With"   and click on the box that says
> "Always use this program to open thse files"
> and then click "ok"
> and it should work the next time you try to edit a file...
> (not wanting to shut my machine off - it may also need a reboot
> to make this take effect, but I hope not...)
> Mimi
> for Y&Y Technical Support
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