[XeTeX] [EXT] Re: AMS/CM fonts in OpenType/CFF format

Philip Taylor (Royal Holloway) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Wed Nov 17 15:48:20 CET 2021

On 17/11/2021 11:04, Marcel Fabian Krüger wrote:

Looking at the code again I realized that the quotes actually *do* make
a difference: If the name is quoted XeTeX will first look for a system
font and use a TFM font only if no system font is found, if the name is
not quoted it will forst look for a TFM font.

If you want a IMO clearer syntax, you can use LuaTeX with luaotfload.
There we still emulate the XeTeX like syntax, but additionally allow you
explicitly state how the font should be looked up, e.g.

\font \cmr {name:cmr10} \cmr % Untested, LuaTeX with luaotfload only.
                             % Quotes would work too.
                             % So would omitting both in this case.

Sadly failed at first hurdle :  \input luaotfload -> "I can't find file 'luaotfload'".

Ignoring that, zillions of other errors which do not occur when using XeTeX (see attachments).  To the best of your belief, is there a standard LuaTeX file which can be input that will then cause LuaTeX to faithfully emulate the behaviour of XeTeX ?  I ask because all of my work is predicated on the use of XeTeX and the assumption that it can exploit any and all of XeTeX's documented features.

Well, if the same happens in luaotfload please write a bug report. If
you want someone to tell you that XeTeX's font lookup rules are nice,
consistent or intuitive you are talking with the wrong person...

Fair enough !
** Phil.

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% !TeX Program=XeTeX

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			\or March
			\or April
			\or May
			\or June
			\or July
			\or August
			\or September
			\or October
			\or November
			\or December

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			On the days of the full and new moons, the old town of Hội An is lit by lanterns, while locals and visitors alike are encouraged to eat
			vegetarian or vegan food and release captive birds or fish.   With this in mind, our Hội-An restaurant offers ‘Vegan Thursday’ every week to		
			encourage more vegan eating by offering a~20\% discount on our whole Vegan range.   We hope that you will enjoy these special dishes,
			which are unique to our restaurant; if~you like them,  do please share news of them with others in your vegan community{\rlap {.}\parfillskip = 0 pt \par}
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	\Allergens \ALLERGENS — PLEASE NOTE: \allergens  Whilst we make every effort to prevent  \ALLERGENS from creeping into dishes of which they are
	 not an integral  part,  the very nature of our business means that we cannot offer a~100\%~guaran\-tee that these are not present%
	 {\rlap {.}\parfillskip = 0 pt \par}
	 Please inform your waiter or waitress at the time of ordering if you are \ALLERGIC  to any known \ALLERGENS or other ingredients%
	 {\rlap {.}\parfillskip = 0 pt \par}

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