[XeTeX] Proposal : that TeX engines generating PDF directly should be able to close the output file without terminating.

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 13:13:09 CEST 2020


I have never tried but could not you use \write18 to run XeTeX from XeTeX?
I am not sure whether it is supported.

Zdeněk Wagner

pá 3. 7. 2020 v 12:50 odesílatel Philip Taylor <
P.Taylor at hellenic-institute.uk> napsal:

> I am frequently in the situation where I routinely need to run two
> instances of XeTeX in immediate succession — the first to generate an
> intermediate PDF file, the second to read that file as input, massage it,
> and then output a second PDF file derived from the first.  As much of my
> work is data-driven, I normally "compile" the data file in TeXworks, with
> the first TeX file nominated as the root file in the pragmats at the top of
> the data file, as in :
> [File: Hoi-An TA Menu.xlsx.tex]
> % !TeX Program=XeTeX
> % !TeX Root=Hoi-An TA menu (separate pages).tex
> As a second step, I then have to select a different TeX file ("Hoi-An TA
> menu (combine pages).tex") as the current file and compile that.
> If XeTeX could be instructed to close its current PDF file and then create
> a new one (obviously with a different-but-derived name), the entire task
> could be accomplished with a single TeX file (plus data file) rather than
> requiring two separate TeX files (plus data file) as at present.
> Would there be any support for a proposal to extend the PDF-generating
> family of TeX-derived engines to support this feature ?
> *Philip Taylor*
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