[XeTeX] asterisk in font name - font error

Carlos Franke carlosfranke at posteo.de
Wed Dec 2 09:47:06 CET 2020


I'm having trouble using the typeface Jost* [0] [1] with xelatex. My
impression is that the asterisk in the font name is the source of the
trouble, and this is a bug either in xelatex or in the font itself (in
cade it would be violating some standard for font names). However I am
not proficient in LaTeX at all (I only ever use it via pandoc or lyx)
and hence not very confident in my judgement of this being a bug.

I have tried installing the OTF version of Jost* [2] either into
/usr/share/fonts and $HOME/.local/share/fonts and run "sudo fc-cache".

When I try to compile a pdf using Jost* as main font (
\setmainfont[]{Jost*}), I get the following error:

   kpathsea:make_tex: Invalid filename
   `JostJost*/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;', contains '*'

   ! Package fontspec Error: The font "JostJost*" cannot be found.

An example .tex file is attached. It is not minimal because it was
generated by pandoc.

Any help or suggestions on where to properly report this are welcome


[0] https://github.com/indestructible-type/Jost
[1] https://indestructibletype.com/Jost.html
[2] Select to donate zero dollars in order to download the free
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