XeLaTeX to Word/OpenOffice - the state of the art?

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 12:31:55 CET 2019

I am also interested how you do it. I have tried with one of my
documents (I do not need this conversion, it was just a test). The
document contains 5 tables and 50 math equations. The first equation
is OK, the remainng equations are total garbage, they will have to be
entered manually from scratch. The tables are total garbage as well,
they even do not look like tables. The table of contents is garbage
but this is not a major issue. The problem is that in the middle of
the first page, probably as an effect of math, the text becomes
garbage as well. In this situation copy&paste and manual conversion
will be faster unless there is a special (hidden) trick which I do not

Zdeněk Wagner

pá 15. 3. 2019 v 8:32 odesílatel Janusz S. Bień <jsbien at mimuw.edu.pl> napsal:
> On Fri, Mar 15 2019 at  7:19 +01, BPJ wrote:
> > I use, despite myself, Google Docs to convert PDF to DOCX,
> How???
> > then Pandoc from DOCX to everything else. It works even with weird
> > magazine layouts.
> Best regards
> Janusz
> --
>              ,
> Janusz S. Bien
> emeryt (emeritus)
> https://sites.google.com/view/jsbien

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