[XeTeX] Σχετ: Plain XeTeX, pdftitle, pdfinfo

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Jul 12 19:24:29 CEST 2016

If I had the time, I would (see my earlier message about incremental TeX live installations); but I don't, I have time only to install the essentials for what I need.  And I am confused as to how a package such as "pdfx" can be incomplete --  I thought (probably wrongly) that TeX Live "knew" about dependencies, and installed the necessary support files when a package was installed ..

** Phil.
Richard Koch wrote:
> The “small” scheme is just BasicTeX, which I created. So this comes from
> the horses mouth. INSTALL THE FULL TEXLIVE.
> Dick Koch


Philip Taylor
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