[XeTeX] widowpenalty

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Sat Jan 17 21:34:35 CET 2015

Alexey Kryukov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have recently installed Ubuntu 14.04, which includes XeTeX v.
> 3.14159265-2.6-0.99991 (TeX Live 2014/Debian) and noticed that
> compiling my current project produces some incorrect line breaks.
> My investigations have shown that XeTeX seems to ignore the current
> \widowpenalty value (\clubpenalty is respected though). Here's a
> minimal example (lipsum paragraphs are selected so that the desired
> number of lines is produced):
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{lipsum}
> \widowpenalty=10000
> \begin{document}
> \lipsum[1-4]
> \lipsum[37]
> \lipsum[1]
> \end{document}

As you are using XeLaTeX and not XeTeX, the problem may well be caused 
by the former; try moving your \widowpenalty to /after/ \begin 
{document}, since the average LaTeX user has absolutely idea what takes 
place during the parsing and execution of the latter.

Philip Taylor

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