[XeTeX] XeTeX (/not/ XeLaTeX) : Marginal kerning, font protrusion, hyperlinks

Vafa Khalighi vafakalg at gmail.com
Tue Apr 15 11:20:29 CEST 2014

If I recall correctly, Hàn Thế Thành added these primitives to XeTeX;
therefore he knows them best.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk> wrote:

> Khaled Hosny wrote:
>  On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:58:23PM +0100, Philip Taylor wrote:
>>> Why are these key XeTeX primitives (\XeTeXprotrudechars, \rpcode, etc)
>>> not documented in /The XƎTEX reference guide/ ?   Will, Khaled,
>>> Jonathan :  can you comment on this, and will these (and any other
>>> currently undocumented primitives) be documented in the version of
>>> /The XƎTEX reference guide/ which accompanies TeX Live 2014 ?
>>  From me: simply because I know near nothing about them.
> Fully understood.  In that case, may I ask Jonathan where these primitives
> are, in fact, documented, so that Khaled and Will can
> potentially make use of this information if they choose to
> prepare a TeX Live 2014 edition of /The XƎTEX reference guide/ ?
> Also, are there any other currently undocumented XeTeX primitives,
> and where can be found any information on embedding hyperlinks
> using XeTeX ?
> Philip Taylor
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