[XeTeX] sporadic shifted underbrace error

Flavio Costa flaviocosta at yahoo.com.br
Wed Feb 6 20:09:03 CET 2013

The only thing I notice is that it's not really shifted about 15mm, in both cases you reported the underbrace is shifted half-width: in the shifted position, its leftmost point is around the middle of the correct position.

Still, it doesn't make clear how to solve this seemingly random bug. If you have other math fonts you could try checking whether that happens with all of them or just some OpenType fonts.

Good luck,

Flavio Costa

----- Mensagem original -----
De: "Daniel Greenhoe" <dgreenhoe at gmail.com>
Para: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 6 de Fevereiro de 2013 2:50:17
Assunto: Re: [XeTeX] sporadic shifted underbrace error

Khaled, thanks for the great suggestion. I used an open type math font
(xits-math.otf) and the problem now shows up multiple times. In the
attached pdf, the shift occurs on pages 3, 8, 9, 10, 19, 21, 23, 28,
34, ...

My setup includes these:
\usepackage[no-config,no-math]{fontspec}  % font selection for xelatex
\usepackage{xunicode}                 % unicode character support
 \usepackage{amsmath}                 % AMS math package
 \usepackage{unicode-math}            % unicode math support

Attached is a tex file and pdf output. Can anyone else reproduce the
errors? Any suggestions?

  command line:  xelatex underbrace


On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org> wrote:
> I’ve seen this once with OpenType math fonts, but I wasn’t able to
> reproduce it again. Trying using the same fonts in your minimal example,
> since it is probably and OpenType math-only issue.
> Regards,
> Khaled
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 11:13:51AM +0800, Daniel Greenhoe wrote:
>> I did make a quick minimal example (but not exactly the same as in the
>> previous email) that uses the underbrace 1000 (?) times. But so far
>> apparently no success in getting the problem to show itself again.
>> If interested, please see attachments.
>> Dan
>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Daniel Greenhoe <dgreenhoe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > For some time now I have been having *sporadic* problems with
>> > underbraces being shifted to the right by maybe 15mm or so.
>> >
>> > The problem is sporadic---it appears sometimes, but on the next
>> > compile may well have disappeared. The document I am currently working
>> > on contains several hundred pages. I can try to put together a minimal
>> > example...but that may be of limited use since it may be difficult to
>> > get the problem to show itself when I want it to show itself.
>> >
>> > So, before I do that, might anyone have an idea of what might be the problem?
>> >
>> > There is a screen capture of a shift. The right underbrace has been
>> > shifted far to the right. It should be like the underbrace on the
>> > left.
>> >
>> > Here is my current underbrace macro:
>> >
>> > \newcommand{\mcom}[3][c]{\ensuremath{%
>> >   \begin{array}[t]{#1}%
>> >     \underbrace{#2}\\%
>> >     \text{\addfontfeatures{Color=mcom}\scriptsize{#3}}%
>> >   \end{array}%
>> >   }}%
>> >
>> > The color mcom is simply defined liked this:
>> >   \definecolor{mcom}           {cmyk}{0,0,0,1}
>> >
>> > The \mcom macro can be used something like this:
>> >   \[  \mcom{\sin^2(x)+\cos^2(x)=1}{this is a trig. identity} \]
>> >
>> > I am compiling with XeLaTeX from a TeXlive distribution.
>> > Any ideas?
>> > Many thanks in advance,
>> > Dan
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