[XeTeX] Will XeTeX or LuaTeX support COLR table in OpenType fonts?

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Fri Aug 30 15:01:38 CEST 2013

Announced at the Microsoft //build conference:

>A data structure, implemented as a new 'COLR' table in OpenType, 
>breaks down the base glyph into a separate set of glyphs, each 
>with its own z-order and single color reference. The color 
>references are handled has palette indices, with a separate table, 
>'CPAL' in OpenType that resolves the RGBA colors actually used 
>for the glyph.

Video here: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2013/3-191

Original announcement on Typophile: http://typophile.com/node/104174


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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