[XeTeX] xetex can't find font

Zdenek Wagner zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 22:54:40 CEST 2012

2012/3/31 Orm Finnendahl <o.finnendahl at inm.mh-freiburg.de>:
> Dear Khaled,
> Am Samstag, den 31. März 2012 um 18:51:20 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Khaled Hosny:
>> I highly suspect this is a xdvipdfmx issue, since the engine wouldn't
>> need to real font at all. IIRC, old versions of (x)dvipdfmx had its own
>> map file, so it might be that updmap(-sys) failed to update it for some
>> reason. Running xdvipdfmx -v on the xdv file, will print the loaded map
>> files in the first line, you can then check them and see if the font is
>> there or not.
> That helped a lot: xetex renders with the no-pdf switch.
> xdvipdfmx -v reports it's looking in pdftex.map (without mentioning a
> path) and gives the error.
> There are two files named pdftex.map on my system:
> /usr/share/texmf-texlive/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map
> /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map
> The second is a symbolic link to a file named pdftex_dl14.map and both
> don't contain the necessary maps. I appended the map file to the end
> of both files and invoked texhash, but still no luck:
I would never edit generated map files. I would instead issue:

updmap-sys --enable Map=something.map

(as written in the manual).
>> orm at varese:~/work/texte/sonstiges$ xdvipdfmx -v test02.xdv
>> <FONTMAP:pdftex.map><FONTMAP:cid-x.map>DVI Comment:  XeTeX output 2012.03.31:1908
>> test02.xdv -> test02.pdf
>> [1<fssb8r at 55.79pt(TFM:fssb8r)(Encoding:8r.enc)
>> kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode / --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600 fssb8a.pfa
>> mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for fssb8a.pfa.
>> kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
>> ** WARNING ** Could not locate a virtual/physical font for TFM "fssb8r".
>> ** WARNING ** >> This font is mapped to a physical font "fssb8a.pfa".
>> ** WARNING ** >> Please check if kpathsea library can find this font: fssb8a.pfa
>> ** ERROR ** Cannot proceed without .vf or "physical" font for PDF output...
>> Output file removed.
>> orm at varese:~/work/texte/sonstiges$
> The line in my map file referring to the font:
>> fssb8r ScalaSans-Bold  "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc <fssb8a.pfa
> Did I miss something, or is texhash not updating properly for
> xdvipdfmx and do I have to use another command?
> Yours,
> Orm
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Zdeněk Wagner

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