[XeTeX] Linux Libertine 5 serif too heavy

M. Niedermair m_g_n at gmx.de
Tue Jun 14 14:13:10 CEST 2011

Hi Sebastian,

> 1) Previously, I downloaded the fontfiles from 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxlibertine/files/linuxlibertine as 
> http://www.linuxlibertine.org links there. Is that not the proper location to 
> get the files?

if you only want to download the fonts, the sourceforge.net is the right 
way. If you want to use the font with latex, xelatex, lualatex, ... than 
download the whole latex package from ctan or use a special tex-package, 
e.g. for TexLive or MikTex, ...

> 2) I made sure to get only the .otf files. With version 4.7.5 (from 

The actual version is 5.1.2 (the version number of the package is the 
number of the LinuxLibertine-Regular font).

> sourceforge) and using only \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O} I had no problem 
> getting the italic version of the font (using \it{} - as in file 124-old.pdf). 

Since version 5 there is a semibold, a semibolditalic, a display version ...

The fontspec package can not handle all shapes/series.
See 6.1 of the fontspec documentation.

BoldFont, ItalicFont, BoldItalicFont, SlantedFont, BoldSlantedFont, 
no SemiBold or SemiBoldItalic

see libertine-documentation


\item [m-n]  regular
\item [m-it] regular italic
\item [m-sl] regular slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [m-sc] regular small caps
\item [m-ic] regular italic small caps
\item [z-n]  semibold
\item [z-it] semibold italic
\item [z-sl] semibold slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [z-sc] semibold small caps
\item [z-ic] semibold italic small caps
\item [b-n]  bold
\item [b-it] bold italic
\item [b-sl] bold slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [b-sc] bold small caps
\item [b-ic] bold italic small caps
\item [d-n]   Display regular
\item [d-sl]  Display regular slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [d-n]   Display regular small caps


\item [m-n]  regular
\item [m-it] regular italic
\item [m-sl] regular slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [m-sc] regular small caps
\item [m-ic] regular italic small caps
\item [b-n]  bold
\item [b-it] bold italic
\item [b-sl] bold slanted (automatisch generiert)
\item [b-sc] bold small caps
\item [b-ic] bold italic small caps
\item [o-n]  outline (automatisch generiert)
\item [o-it] outline italic  (automatisch generiert)
\item [o-b]  outline bold (automatisch generiert)
\item [o-sc] outline small caps (automatisch generiert)
\item [o-ic] outline italic small caps (automatisch generiert)
\item [o-bc] outline bold small caps (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-n]  shadow (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-it] shadow italic (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-b]  shadow bold (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-sc] shadow small caps (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-ic] shadow italic small caps (automatisch generiert)
\item [s-bc] shadow bold small caps (automatisch generiert)

> Now you're telling me this is not enough anymore. Does this mean, this is an 
> expected behaviour of version 5 a.k.a. not a bug but a feature?

-> feature

> 3) I was under the impression that \usepackage{libertine} was only for LaTex 
> users as they can't use \setmainfont. 

No, the libertine-package is for all users, who use latex, pdflatex, 
xelatex or lualatex.

> Using that package, is it still possible 
> to use alternative glyphs, OldStyle/SInf/SUps/Tabular-numbers and all the 
> other nice features LinLibertine has and that I have used with XeLaTex before?

see the documentation


It is very easy to use other alternatives with the libertine-package. If 
there is an interesting alternative, I put it in the libertine-package. 
You must only tell me the alternative.

	{<-> \fxl@@scale file:fxlr.otf:\eu2fxl at parms}{}

You can create a new alternative version with \DeclareFontShape
e.g. with +ss03 (for the germandbls in Switzerland).

	{<-> \fxl@@scale file:fxlr.otf:\eu2fxl at parms;+ss03}{}

> 4) The dante-package has only 24 .oft files under 
> /fonts/libertine/fonts/opentype/public/libertine where the .tar.gz from 
> sourceforge has 35. Are the some fonts not in the date package?

For latex I don't need extra fonts for the small caps. I can use +smcp. 
Other programs need for small caps an extra font file.

> Thanks,
> Sebastian


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