[XeTeX] 64.bit XeTex was::Re: Trying to build microtype-aware xetex

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 31 16:50:53 CEST 2011

On 31 Aug 2011, at 14:30, Peter Dyballa wrote:

>> In other words, xe(la)tex would be the way to go. For awhile. 
> And therefore keep old versions of Mac OS X! Leopard and Snow Leopard are OK (it depends on the hardware it will run on: Mac OS X must be younger than the hardware or it won't run on something it does not know). You can either clone your recent installation onto a smaller external disk, connected through FireWire, because this enables the Mac to boot from it, or onto an extra internal disk (when you're using a desk-side computer), or you can try to create a virtual instance of a Mac OS X version in which XeTeX is supported.

Why, is there a problem with running the current (Intel build of) xetex on 10.7? I wasn't aware of this.

Seems like you're introducing unnecessary complication and confusion....


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