[XeTeX] fancyhdr and plyglossia

Jens Bakker jbakker at uni-bonn.de
Sun Jan 31 13:41:54 CET 2010

Dear Ross Moore,

Thank you very much for your very fast reply. I tried your proposal  
and it worked well, but I have to admitt that I do not understand the  
logic of these commands, where is it possible to read something about  
commands of this kind?

I would like to ask also a further question connected with this  
matter: I have put the \RLleaders command into a \marginpar{} command  
on an odd page with Arabic text and than the marginal note disappears.  
So if some text is added within the document and the respective  
marginal note is transferred to an odd page, the marginal note will  
disappear once again and one has to check the whole document for the  
marginal notes which may not be very convenient.

Possibly there could be another solution, because in bidi version  
1.0.3 the problem with the marginal notes seems to be not extant there.

With best wishes and best regards,
Jens Bakker

Am 31.01.2010 um 01:12 schrieb Ross Moore:

> Hi Jens, and Vafa,
> On 31/01/2010, at 10:42 AM, Ross Moore wrote:
>> However, looking at the PDF with Acrobat Pro, the missing
>> margin-par content is actually included in the PDF.
>> It is off to the right, beyond the edge of the visible
>> page area.
>> Probably it is something to do with the width assigned to
>> margin-pars, and is being right- rather than left-aligned.
>> Just speculating.
> Yes.
> With this extra preamble coding:
> \newbox\leaderbox
> \setbox\leaderbox=\hbox{.}
> \def\LRleaders{\leaders\copy\leaderbox\hfill}
> \def\RLleaders{\LR{\LRleaders}}
> and using
>  \marginpar{\RLleaders p.6}
> the image shows the result.
> <texshop_image.jpeg>
> So the directionality is wrong within the margin-pars,
> (as well as the width being too large) when specified
> within RL-environments.
> I'd recommend implementing 2 types of marginpar:
> \LRmarginpar  and  \RLmarginpar  which guarantee
> the correct directionality for their contents.
> These could be use directly within the LaTeX source,
> or there can be a switching mechanism which implements
> \let\marginpar\..marginpar
>   where ..='LR' or 'RL',
> according to the default requirements of an environment.
> Then an optional argument would allow the default to be
> overridden, giving the opposite behaviour.
> Hope this helps,
> 	Ross
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ross Moore                                       ross at maths.mq.edu.au
> Mathematics Department                           office: E7A-419
> Macquarie University                             tel: +61 (0)2 9850  
> 8955
> Sydney, Australia  2109                          fax: +61 (0)2 9850  
> 8114
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