[XeTeX] Footnote refs

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Tue Dec 21 18:48:33 CET 2010

On Dec 21, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Fr. Michael Gilmary wrote:

> Well, I've got some sample files attached for the change of behavior. If you comment both \input files, then you'll get footnote refs to match the \setmainfont options (in this case, Numbers={OldStyle, Proportional}).
> If you load one or the other input file, you'll see the differences. Linux Libertine ships with TL10, I believe, and has the required sups feature to see the results.
> The default behavior of XeTeX previous to TL10, AFAIK, was to use the footnote ref numbers as if using the [VerticalPosition=Superior] option. But no longer! So, the result now (with these input files) is that it's working for me as it used to word and as desired ... but I don't know what was done by default before --- I never used to specify anything via fontspec for the footnote refs --- and I don't know why it's been changed.
> Has anyone else noticed this and desired the older way? If so, this is your solution ... unless there's another way...?


Assuming you're using TL2010 try using the realscripts package: replace



\usepackage{fontspec, realscripts}

in the footnoteproblem.tex file and recompile. The fontspec package in TL2010 needs the realscripts and, possibly, the metalogo packages to fully duplicate what was in xltxtra (which loaded fontspec, xunicode and the metalogo packages).

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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