[XeTeX] Fwd: xetex, itrans and telugu

Shrisha Rao shrao at nyx.net
Sat Apr 3 09:23:05 CEST 2010

El abr 3, 2010, a las 3:32 a.m., Kattamuri Ekanadham escribió:

> I followed your pattern and produced the map file for telugu. I tested it using Pothana.ttf font exactly as your example:
> \newcommand\ted{\catcode`\^=11  \catcode`\~=11   \fontspec[Mapping=itrans-tel]{Pothana}}
> and it works fine when I ran the XeLatex on it. I am enclosing the map file itrans-tel.map; If you are satisfied with  it, please
> add it to your ctan library. If you want me to make any corrections or modifications, please let me know.

I am not in a position to test it well, for not knowing Telugu; I recommend you try getting it checked (for larger-sized files) by other Telugu speakers/readers.  I will also pass on some samples (e.g., see attached) to friends who know Telugu.  There are likely to be some small issues or bugs -- I noticed that OM/AUM (ऊँ) is not rendered in the output, and there may be others.

If you think there is a chance that Sanskrit documents normally rendered in Devanagari would be rendered in Telugu script instead, you might also try adding an itrans-santel mapping as well (as with itrans-sankan, the only difference is that `e' and `o' are both always considered दीर्घ, never ह्रस्व (there are no short-e and short-o).

> Again, thank you for your help and I enjoy using this software.

For which, of course, we owe thanks to Jonathan Kew and many others.


Shrisha Rao

> -eknath.
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