[XeTeX] Big symbols and delimiters not expanding

David Cottenden d.cottenden at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Sep 29 12:49:58 CEST 2009


I have been hunting a problem with big operators and delimiters not 
expanding properly in XeLaTeX. Initially I thought that the problem was 
with the unicode-math package I was using, but after exchanging a number 
of e-mails with Will Robertson, we have come to the conclusion that the 
problem lies with XeTeX.

Reason for thinking this is that running the attached mathsamples.tex 
through XeTeX produced mathsamples.pdf (also attached), which shows the 
above mentioned symptoms - and is not something that I think anyone 
would want associated with any flavour of TeX! The log file is also 

I am using Ubuntu Jaunty with TeXLive 2008 installed "manually", so the 
XeTeX version number 3.1415926-2.2-0.999.6. I invoked XeTeX from the 
command line with no switches. Cambria Math (truetype) is installed in 
my system font directory. I'm sure that I've missed useful stuff from 
this list - please feel free to ask for any further details.

Any ideas on the problem are gratefully received. Please bear in mind 
that whilst not a total newbie to TeX and friends, I'm also a very long 
way from being an expert!

Many thanks,


David Cottenden
PhD Student
Continence and Skin Technology Group

Phone: +44 (0)20 7288 3771
Fax: +44 (0)20 7288 3019 

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