[XeTeX] Vertical writing of CJK and fontspec (rawfeature=vertical) misbehaving
Michiel Kamermans
pomax at nihongoresources.com
Thu Nov 26 12:03:11 CET 2009
I was reading the threads on vertical writing of CJK and came across the
fontspec [RawFeature=vertical] approach, which appeals quite a bit
(since it involves reasonably intuitive commands). However, the approach
discussed in 2007 breaks in two subtle ways. Firstly, when phonetic
guide text in the form of the ruby commands, alignment is out of
whack... I tried the following code with XeTeX, Version
3.1415926-2.2-0.999.7 (MiKTeX 2.7), fontspec 2008/08/09 v1.18 and
CJK/ruby 2008/12/29 4.8.2:
------ start of code
\usepackage[overlap, CJK]{ruby}
\newfontfamily\cjkvert[RawFeature=vertical]{Kozuka Mincho Pro}
\setmainfont{Kozuka Mincho Pro}
\hfill % ensure right-alignment
\rotatebox{-90}{\cjkvert #1}
This is a paragraph of regular text. It is not remarkable in any way,
except perhaps in that it uses default western left-to-right horizontal
And this is another paragraph that is not remarkable in any way. It is
followed by the previous line without rotation.
\hbox{\cjkvert \ruby{続}{つづ}いて、これが\ruby{日本語}{にほんご}の\ruby
And finally, the same line in plain old horizontal typesetting:
------ end of code
In this, some parts of the sentence are left (or bottom?) aligned, some
parts are top (or right?) aligned. But not in a way that seems
consistent to me. It's not the case that only text wrapped in ruby
commands is right-aligned, and text without it is left-aligned, for
instance. I'm not sure what would cause this, but since the regular line
looks fine, it might be some interplay between cjk/ruby and fontspec.
In addition, from what I can tell it also seems that fontspec is not
applying the "vertical" concept not quite right. When I compare what
fontspec does with the font to what the "official" vertical style is
supposed to look like (on windows in some programs explicitly usable by
picking the same font but with '@' in front of its name) and there are
some differences. I have attached an image of what the font looks like
in vertical mode according to wordpad, which is correct, and it would
seem that the fontspec behaviour is to rotates glyphs 90 degrees inside
their bounding box, something which for Japanese is going to yield
exceedingly wrong results, since all interpunction, as well as
'half-size' syllabic writing is either placed differently in addition to
being rotated, or is scaled differently (in "きゃ", the second glyph is
half height in horizontal writing, but will be half-width instead, and
right-aligned, in vertical writing).
So the question is really, is something going wrong, or is this a
'feature' and is the feature not doing what the name suggests it's
doing? If something's going wrong, then this can be considered a bug
report, but if fontspec's doing what it's supposed to be doing then
there might be a bigger problem in that fontspec claims to be using a
"vertical" feature, when instead it's using a "rotated" feature.
I'm not familiar with how windows detects that fonts have corresponding
vertical versions (only windows fonting aware applications see that
these exist, for instance; Open Office doesn't see them, but Wordpad and
Photoshop do), but if this is a TTF/OTF feature that it's picking up on,
then perhaps fontspec might need some additional knowledge of how to
properly extract this vertical information from fonts.
- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
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