[XeTeX] xelatex + babel and / or polyglossia for Japanese

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Fri Nov 20 17:20:57 CET 2009

Wilfred van Rooijen wrote:
> As a follow up to my own post, I found two files:
> gloss-japanese.ldf
> and
> gloss-nihongo.ldf
Interesting. I was not aware of these. My policy until now was to leave
CJK support out of polyglossia, as there already are specialized
packages that do the job (e.g. xecjk), and also because I really know
nothing about these languages. However since those two files exist, it
might be nice to bundle them with polyglossia. Would you be willing
contact the author(s) and ask them for their opinion on this?
Alternatively, the author(s) could upload them to CTAN separately.


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