[XeTeX] consternation and confusion - xelatex is generating a blank page in the middle of my document

Michiel Kamermans pomax at nihongoresources.com
Wed Nov 11 22:57:49 CET 2009


While compiling my book I've apparently run into a magical sequence of 
characters for xetex, which leads to it generating an entirely blank 
page in the middle of my content, between a paragraph ending "[...] in 
the following table:" and the actual table.

If I stick dummy text in, or remove some text, so that the page before 
the blank one has more or less content, no blank page is generated and 
the table either immediately follows the paragraph, or is spread over 
the two (it's a longtable, so it just gets snipped in half neatly).

I've put my TeX file and xelatex (two pass) generated PDF file on 
http://pomax.nihongoresources.com/downloads//temp/ in case someone 
canfigure out what on earth is going on, because I can't figure it out.

While I can always rephrase the text on the preceding page just enough 
to effect TeX not generating that blank page, this problem is too 
curious to want to solve the quick and dirty way: what is going on here? O_O

- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans

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