[XeTeX] mathspec and MnSymbol

Thierry rhomunu-list at yahoo.fr
Fri Nov 6 14:20:15 CET 2009

> I'm glad that you find mathspec useful.
This was exactly what I expected to use xetex in scientific projects!

> To answer the first question, there is no critical
> difference between:
> \usepackage{MnSymbol}\usepackage{mathspec} and
> \usepackage[MnSymbol]{mathspec}: the MnSymbol option
> calls \RequirePackage{MnSymbol}, which is synonomous to
> \usepackage{MnSymbol}.
Thanks, now I will use the compact version (MnSymbol as an option of mathspec).

> For you second question, it is hard to judge what's
> going on without seeing a complete example document.
> Something is obviously defining \mathfrak before
> mathspec does (or attempting to define \mathfrak after
> mathspec does).

>From the example given below, I don't know what happens about \mathfrak...

> I will say that LaTeX 2e permits only 16 maths fonts in a
> document, and by attemping to use all alphabets, you've
> come up against this limitation (loading MnSymbol and the
> AMS fonts doesn't help), although theoretically many
> more can be used with XeTeX. I have tried, but have never
> successfully extended this limit. This warning existed in
> the documentation for previous mathspec versions, but I
> think I removed it for the current version, but it still
> stands. If you get this error, it is likely that you have
> loaded more fonts than is necessary for your document. But
> if you need all of these fonts, then you probably
> shouldn't be using mathspec anyway. Please send a
> complete example so that I can try to help you to optimise
> your document.

I will not say that I really need all these fonts, but I thought there was no limitation.

Here is a very simple example with which I make experiments (the choice of the fonts is not yet definitive for a project!):
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text,Scale=1.]{Minion Pro}
{Cronos Pro}
\setmathsfont(Digits,Latin,Greek){Minion Pro}
\setmathrm{Lucida Bright}
\setmathsf{Lucida Sans Regular}
\setmathtt{Lucida Sans Typewriter}
\setmathcal{Lucida Calligraphy Italic}
%\setmathfrak{Lucida Blackletter} % doesn't work, so commented

Some text









I get the message:

! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.28 $\mathtt{ABCDEabcde}

! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.30 $\mathcal{ABCDEabcde}

! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.32 $\mathbb{ABCDEabcde}

! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal.


If I comment out 
\setmathsfont(Digits,Latin,Greek){Minion Pro}
then there is no more these messages (and the font for $E=mc^2$ is the usual one in tex)

It looks like there are indeed too much fonts in the game!

I will make other experiments to get something working!

Thanks a lot


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