[XeTeX] Hyphenation in XeTeX polyglossia

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Sun May 17 21:55:29 CEST 2009

Arthur Reutenauer a écrit :
>   hyphen.cfg should not be the issue, it isn't used by Polyglossia at
> all (it uses a slightly modified file called hyphen_cfg).  

This is slightly incorrect (though irrelevant to the issue here). The
default xelatex format does actually use hyphen.cfg from Babel.
Polyglossia provides indeed hyphen_cfg (a stripped-down version of
babel's hyphen.cfg) but it is only loaded if you rename it to hyphen.cfg
and then recreate the xelatex format. See the polyglossia manual on p.
6, n. 3. Eventually I may indeed rename it to hyphen.cfg, but I have not
experimented enough with it to decide whether this would be a good idea
or not.


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