[XeTeX] strange results of measuring boxes

Marcin Woliński wolinski at mimuw.edu.pl
Sat Jul 25 19:40:16 CEST 2009


Fr. Michael Gilmary wrote:
> I tried your sample file. The result with the TeX Gyre Heros font does 
> as you have said. If, however, I run it with pdfLaTeX in sffamily, it 
> runs fine. Also, if I use a different sans font in XeLaTeX, it works 
> without a problem.
> Maybe it's the Heros font?

I've got a similar effect with Garamond Premier Pro, Bitstream Charter,
DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Serif, Nimbus Roman No9 L, Kurier, TeX Gyre Heros,
TeX Gyre Bonum, TeX Gyre Pagella, TeX Gyre Termes, TeX Gyre Adventor.

However, no problem with the following fonts:  TeX Gyre Cursor, Georgia,
Verdana, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS.

So no, it's not specific to Heros, but it depends on the font used

Peter Dyballa wrote: 
> > 3. Do you see a way of overcoming this problem without setting
> > \emergencystretch to 0pt?  Narrow columns in a table are the exact  
> > case
> > where \emergencystretch comes in handy.
> Use a negative value! I think you've found a bug… (\emergencystretch  
> is subtracted instead of added)

What do you mean by that?  \emergencystretch-30pt seems to behave the
same way as 0pt, that is XeTeX doesn't attempt an emergency pass (tested
on a constructed paragraph that needs the third pass to avoid an

With best

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