[XeTeX] Tabulated RTL poetry

Gareth Hughes garzohugo at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 19:13:53 CET 2009

John Was wrote:
> \def\parttwo#1{\unskip \endgraf \nobreak \kern -\baselineskip
>        \nobreak \noindent \hskip 12pc #1\endgraf}
> Your post-caesural parts would then all be included in \partwo{TEXT HERE}
> (Of course change 12pc to whatever indentation you require.)
> You could have instead e.g. \syriacline with two arguments so that the 
> command includes the entire line:
> \def\syriacline#1#2{\leavevmode #1\parttwo{#2}} (assuming you've already 
> defined \parttwo as above).  You would then have each line enclosed in the 
> command:
> Or if it helps visually
> \syriacline{FIRST BIT OF TEXT}%
>         {SECOND BIT OF TEXT}

Thanks, John, this is exactly what I was looking for, and it works well.

وفا خليقى wrote:
> Have you tried XePersian's persianpoem.sty?

No, I hadn't, but I just tested it, and it does all I wanted an more.
The equalisation of the lines looks particularly nice on the page. I
used the oldpoem environment, but I cannot use line numbering or
marginal notes within the environment. I was using the memoir class, and
really do need to be able to keep my marginal notes, as they mark the
folios in the original manuscripts.

So, I torn between the two techniques. The persianpoem package makes for
even nicer layout, but the plain-TeX way allows me to keep my notes and
line numbering. Any solutions?


Gareth Hughes

Department of Eastern Christianity
Oriental Institute
Pusey Lane

+44 (0)1865 610227

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