[XeTeX] Hyphenation of supplementary characters in Xe(La)TeX ?

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Wed Jan 21 08:57:32 CET 2009

On 21 Jan 2009, at 05:52, Kenneth Reid Beesley wrote:

> I'm using Xe(La)Tex to typeset a book in supplementary characters  
> (Deseret Alphabet),
> and I need to define some hyphenation (to begin with, just a few  
> dozen cases in \hyphenation{}).
> I understand that a character is not considered a letter, and is  
> therefore not visible to
> hyphenation, unless it has a non-zero lccode.   In the old 16-bit- 
> limited days, you could
> specify things like
> \lccode"2019="0027"
> to make the official Unicode apostrophe (U+2019) act like the ASCII  
> apostrophe as far as
> hyphenation is concerned.  Or just
> \lccode"2019="2019
> to make sure that it has a non-zero lccode.  The problem was that  
> even XeTeX 0.996 was
> limited to 16-bit BMP characters.
> With 0.997, XeTeX was supposed to handle hyphenation for  
> supplementary characters.
> (I've now got 0.999)
> Question:  What is the syntax for specifying a supplementary- 
> character code point value in
> \lccode?

Just the same as for BMP characters. So, for example,


However, you should find that these are already set appropriately  
based on the Unicode character properties in the standard xetex and  
xelatex formats. (They're included in the unicode-letters.tex file  
that is loaded during format creation.) Have you tried


to see what it reports?


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