[XeTeX] adding some diacritics to a font

John Was john.was at ntlworld.com
Wed Jan 7 08:53:35 CET 2009

The best long-term solution will obviously be to edit the character into the 
font so that it contains the glyph at the correct Unicode position.  A 
short-term solution to avoid filling the document with instances of \d{n}, 
would be to use a Unicode font in the .TEX document which does contain that 
glyph (Unicode 1E47 I think) - something like Arial Unicode (only more 
attractive!) would do.  Then make 1E47 an active character and define it


(extra {} so that the space doesn't disappear at word-end).  Then every time 
ṇ is encountered by XeTeX it will apply that definition.  This would yield a 
correct PDF, I think, but you would not be able to use your chosen Garamond 
font in the .TEX document itself, which may be slightly (or very) 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "François Patte" <francois.patte at mi.parisdescartes.fr>
To: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:14 PM
Subject: [XeTeX] adding some diacritics to a font

> Hash: SHA1
> Bonsoir,
> I want to use Garamong Pro otf fonts in a document where I need some
> diacritics which are not included in this font: under/over-dot chars (ṇ
> ṅ ḷ )
> If I put:
> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Garamond Premier Pro}
> These glyphs do not appear. If I add:
> \usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign}
> I can get these glyphs through ordinary latex command (\d n), but the
> whole document uses these mathdesign fonts....
> How can I get the missing glyphs only when they are missing in Garamond
> Premier Pro fonts?
> Hope I am clear enough!....
> Thanks for any answer.
> Regards.
> - --
> François Patte
> UFR de mathématiques et informatique
> Université Paris Descartes
> 45, rue des Saints Pères
> F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
> Tél. +33 (0)1 44 55 35 61
> http://www.math-info.univ-paris5.fr/~patte
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFJY9ewdE6C2dhV2JURAsz2AKCCcyH3weQ9Ca+Yxs9/Ja4P3JI1BwCggTR7
> Xrqd6psZguNQ1goDPHPYOaE=
> =5n5L
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