[XeTeX] Issue with Arabic Typography

Fr. Michael Gilmary FrMichaelGilmary at MaroniteMonks.org
Fri Feb 27 18:13:01 CET 2009

Gareth Hughes wrote:

> Thanks, وفا, for this example. I've been trying to test this as modified
> for Syriac, but have been having a few problems with it. I see you
> included the macro as an option in xepersian in the example. What would
> be the best way to set this up as a standalone package?

Save Jonathan's code as a .sty file in your local texmf tree. (See 
attached). Then remove the 'option' from the xepersian package and load 
the .sty as a separate one. I think that should work.

United in adoration of Jesus, 

fr. michael gilmary, mma

Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-9725

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