[XeTeX] Font protrusion --- new or old ?

Stephen Moye sgmoye at me.com
Mon Feb 9 17:23:59 CET 2009

The only place this seems not to work is at the very beginning and the  
very end of paragraphs -- odd:

%%!TEX TS-program = xetex
\font\tenrm="Times New Roman" at 10pt

\XeTeXcharclass "201C = 10
\XeTeXcharclass "201D = 11
\XeTeXinterchartoks 255 10 = {{\XeTeXinterchartokenstate=0
\XeTeXinterchartoks 11 255 = {{\XeTeXinterchartokenstate=0


“The one thing which I would note is that one can do this sort of thing
(to a certain degree) at the macro level — see Donald Knuth’s
description of “hanging punctuation” as “an easier problem” in The
\TeX{}book and Peter Wilson’s “hanging” package which enables this for
La\TeX\  and blah.”



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