[XeTeX] hyphenating words with a hyphen

Adam Twardoch list.adam at twardoch.com
Mon Feb 2 00:44:31 CET 2009

Alexey Kryukov wrote:
> However this solution has an undesired side effect: if
> a hyphenation break occurs exactly at the place where there is already
> a hyphen, then TeX breaks the word adding one more hyphen character.

This is an "undesired" orthographic convention in some languages and
"desired" in others. For example in Polish, if you hyphenate a compound
word such as "zielono-niebieski" at the hyphen, the result should look
like the following:

This behavior should be controlled on the language level (probably in
packages such as Polyglossia) rather than globally.


Adam Twardoch
| Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
| twardoch.com | silesian.com | fontlab.net

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