[XeTeX] Bug with Quotes at Sentence End

Joel C. Salomon joelcsalomon at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 01:44:04 CEST 2009

Minimal example:

% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8


Here are a few sentences ending in full-stops.
Notice the extra space at the end of each sentence,
due to not using \textsf{\textbackslash frenchspacing}.
“But this does not carry over if the sentence end
is within quotation marks.”
But it should.

Here are a few sentences ending in full-stops.
Notice the extra space at the end of each sentence,
due to not using \textsf{\textbackslash frenchspacing}.
``But this does not carry over if the sentence end
is within quotation marks.''
But it should.

I’d guess some of the Unicode quote characters need to have the correct
\spacefactor associated with them.

—Joel Salomon

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