[XeTeX] XeTeX incorrectly scales JPEG and other graphics files

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Sep 13 00:50:10 CEST 2008


When inserting a JPEG image (can also be PDF or PNG) XeTeX uses the  
extractbb programme to create a file <graphics file name>.xbb and to  
write the image's bounding box into that auxiliary file. LaTeX  
(pdfeTeX) uses for the same purpose the programme ebb which puts that  
data into a file <graphics file name>.bb. Both programmes extractbb  
and ebb are sym-links to dvipdfmx. But the contents of the two files  
is different:

	diff playloud.xbb playloud.bb
	< %%BoundingBox: 0 0 85 40
	< %%CreationDate: Sat Sep 13 00:18:46 2008
	> %%BoundingBox: 0 0 297 140
	> %%CreationDate: Sat Sep 13 00:17:44 2008

XeTeX, when using xdvipdfmx or xdv2pdf as output driver, produces  
obviously a (by a factor of at least 3) too small image (it should  
have the same height as the shorter text):

	%    \usepackage{xltxtra,xunicode}
	%    \defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text}
	  \noindent\fontsize{15.625mm}{15pt}\selectfont monks\\
	  \fontsize{4mm}{15pt}\selectfont the transatlantic feedback

The size of the JPEG is correct when I load graphicx separately with  
the dvipdfmx option. I am using a pre-release TeX Live 2008 from four  
weeks ago (2008-08-14).



There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what  
you're talking about.
				– John von Neumann

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