[XeTeX] arabxetex Fonts are not connected

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Thu May 22 16:06:35 CEST 2008

On 22 May 2008, at 3:00 pm, Marek Stepanek wrote:

> On 22.05.2008 15:24, "François Charette" <firmicus at ankabut.net> wrote:
>> My guess is that you are processing an AAT font with xdvipdfmx  
>> instead of
>> xdv2pdf. You should either use the OpenType version  
>> (Scheherazade.ttf) or try
>> the AAT version with xdv2pdf (by calling xelatex --output- 
>> driver=xdv2pdf). But
>> Mac users should be better placed to help you on this.
>> F
> Merci François,
> est-ce que j'ai bien compris? I made in my Terminal:
>  % xelatex --output-driver=xdv2pdf xetex_ex02.tex
> But I got the same errors, and the arabic fonts are not connected.

The output driver has nothing to do with connecting Arabic fonts;  
that is all within the xetex process. (The driver just outputs  
exactly the glyphs that xetex tells it to.)

> Also
> changing the font from:
> \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2]{Scheherazade-AAT}
> to:
> \newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2]{Lateef-AAT}
> did not help. The error message is:
> Package fontspec Warning:
>     Font "Lateef-AAT/ICU"does not contain script 'Arabic'

These are both AAT fonts, so try [Renderer=AAT] rather than  
[Script=Arabic] (which is an ICU OpenType-related option). Or  
alternatively, use the OpenType (not -AAT) versions of the fonts.


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