[XeTeX] arabxetex Fonts are not connected

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Thu May 22 15:36:54 CEST 2008

On 22 May 2008, at 2:24 pm, François Charette wrote:

> Marek Stepanek a écrit :
>> Hello all!
>> Compiling the following file, I get only not connected Arbic Fonts  
>> in the
>> pdf-output:
> <...>
>> The Font Scheherazade is installed three times, on my Mac (10.4.11):
>> /usr/local/texlive/2007/texmf-dist/fonts/truetype/public/arab/ 
>> Scheherazade.t
>> tf
>> and
>> /Library/Fonts/Scheherazade.ttf
>> ~/Library/Fonts/ScheherazadeRegAAT.ttf
>> compiling this file I get the following error:
>> " Font "Scheherazade-AAT/ICU"does not contain script 'Arabic' "
> My guess is that you are processing an AAT font with xdvipdfmx instead
> of xdv2pdf. You should either use the OpenType version
> (Scheherazade.ttf) or try the AAT version with xdv2pdf (by calling
> xelatex --output-driver=xdv2pdf). But Mac users should be better  
> placed
> to help you on this.

The issue isn't the output driver, but the fact that the font is  
being loaded with the option /ICU which forces OpenType-based  
rendering. That's correct for OpenType fonts, but not for AAT; for  
those, you want the /AAT option instead. (Or specify neither, and  
xetex should pick the appropriate one by default.)

If you're loading the font through fontspec, the option  
[Renderer=AAT] should do this, or just *remove* [Renderer=ICU] if you  
currently have that.


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