[XeTeX] Res: Minion Pro and Japanese text

Flavio Costa flaviocosta at yahoo.com.br
Sun May 4 06:31:29 CEST 2008

Hi Johannes, I've double-checked I'm saving the file in UTF-8, maybe the font in your editor does not contain the glyphs.

Hi Cyril, I tried to get Japanese from Minion Pro because the characters appear in Windows' Character Map (I've attached a screenshot). I downloaded and tried other font viewers to make sure it is not just a "special feature" of Character Map, but I could not find even one decent free font manager for Windows...



----- Mensagem original ----
De: Cyril Niklaus <cyril.niklaus at gmail.com>
Para: Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms <xetex at tug.org>
Enviadas: Sábado, 3 de Maio de 2008 21:32:07
Assunto: Re: [XeTeX] Minion Pro and Japanese text

On 4 mai 08, at 07:26, Flavio Costa wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm typesetting an UTF-8 text with Adobe Minion Pro font (the one  
> that comes with Acrobat Reader) and I have some Japanese kana/kanji  
> on it. Instead of getting correct Japanese text, the glyphs are  
> replaced by crossed rectangles.
That's because Minion Pro does not have Japanese glyphs. You need to  
either use only a Japanese font like you did with IPAGothic and be  
content with the roman glyphs provided or indicate the font changes.
Do it by declaring a \newfontfamily, as in here:

\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text,Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}
\newfontfamily{\J}[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Hiragino Mincho Pro}

English, français, português, αβγε, {\J にほんご 日本語}.


[Scale=0.85] or somesuch number also works, as given in the XeLaTeX  
template that comes with TeXShop.


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